Monday, June 29, 2009

It's 87 degrees in the house right now

Phew it is hot in here... I can't wait until my parents come next week and help me by moving the air conditioner from the shed to my window. It just numb dumbs me when it gets hot and then my hands start aching and burning amongst a whole slew of other issues that get exacerbated in the heat.

I have so many doctor appointments coming up... sigh. That viscious cycle had really slowed down for a bit so I should not complain. For awhile there every month I had several appointments so now that I have gone a bit longer in between I am moping about it because of course, I'd rather not have to go at all.

Tomorrow I go see my GP who I am happy to say I haven't seen her since December; however, I did see another GP three times since then with the last time being in March. Then I get to go in this week for then lab work.. wee I tell them if they keep poking me maybe some of the fat will escape out but alas, it has not yet happened.

I got my other appointments finalized today... I go see my Urologist, my Neurologist and get my MRI done in August. - Great birthday month for me huh? My one-year anniversary is July 23rd so I knew August would be busy.

Here we goooooooo - are we ready for the rest of the summer fun? I am very much looking forward to the fall!

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